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Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government Grant Funds Training for 50 Culinary Entrepreneurs in Jefferson County


                                                                                                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Media Contact:

Krista Buckel


859-231-0054 x1034


LOUISVILLE, KY (November 21, 2023) — The Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government’s Office of Resilience and Community Services (Louisville) recently awarded an External Agency Fund (EAF) grant to Chef Space, a West End Kitchen Incubator by Community Ventures. The grant will fund one-on-one training to assist 50 culinary entrepreneurs in Jefferson County.


“Chef Space, the culinary incubator in Louisville’s West End, was competitively selected to receive this grant because they have a track record of successfully assisting businesses and launching entrepreneurs into the Louisville marketplace,” said Chelsea Watson, Financial and Programmatic Supervisor with the Louisville Metro Government, Office of Resilience and Community Services. “We hope this grant will further our goals to support local businesses and promote economic development in Louisville.”


Each year, Louisville awards EAF grants to nonprofits for social service programs, arts and creative industries, and youth programs. The EAF grant awarded to Chef Space will support local businesses and entrepreneurs by equipping them with the training and technical assistance necessary to start, operate, expand, and market their companies within a competitive food industry.


These skills will be relayed to culinary entrepreneurs through Chef Spaces’ interactive, 8-week “Entrée-prenuer Series.” Facilitated by industry-leading professionals, the course offers valuable insights on crucial aspects of the food industry like building a robust business plan, implementing effective management processes, mastering breakeven calculations on revenue, fostering operational growth, navigating marketing strategies, understanding insurance requirements, and ensuring compliance with essential food safety and health inspection standards.


“Economic opportunities allow our neighbors and communities to thrive, and that’s what Chef Space is about – equipping food industry businesses and startups with the resources and tools they need to be successful in the marketplace, said Tom Murro, President of Chef Space. “We are grateful to Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government for partnering with us to strengthen entrepreneurs and the Louisville economy.”


To learn more about Chef Space, visit www.chefspace.org.



About the Office of Resilience and Community Services: The Office of Resilience and Community Services, within Louisville-Jefferson County Metro Government, focuses on providing essential services for Louisville residents, especially for low and moderate-income populations. Top priorities include preventing homelessness, delivering Meals on Wheels, helping families build financial stability and security, operating LIHEAP to help residents stay safe and warm, making micro-loans to jumpstart small businesses, and supporting eight Neighborhood Places.


About Chef Space: Chef Space, operated by Community Ventures, is a nationally recognized and award-winning kitchen incubator in the heart of the Russell Neighborhood in Louisville. The facility is dedicated to supporting food entrepreneurs, fostering economic mobility, and creating job opportunities within the community.