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A Chef Space Member Helps Out in the Neighborhood

The Kentucky Taco Company is a recent addition to the Chef Space kitchen. Started by Wil Limoges, Charlie Neal, and Steve Higdon, KTC is a food truck focused on “passionately preparing so-good soul food served on a tortilla.” With a modern take on the classic, Mexican staple, the taco, Limoges, Neal, and Higdon have faced growing success as they’ve utilized the unique opportunities that Chef Space has to offer.

This past week, KTC took it one step further. The Cabbage Patch Settlement House sits south of Chef Space and the Russell Neighborhood and focuses on empowering and enriching the lives of at-risk children, teens, and their families. As part of CP Settlement House’s Summer Adventures day camp program, KTC set up their food truck and participated in “Young Chef’s Camp”, helping to educate youth on healthy foods and new ingredients and flavors. During the event, KTC held immersive, hands-on cooking lessons and provided lunch to the neighborhood kids.

Join us in celebrating this exciting opportunity for Louisville youth and the KTC Food Truck!

To learn more about Chef Space and the Kentucky Taco Company, visit our web page: Chef Space

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