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Creating Healthier Employees

From Chef Space to Bluegrass Harvest, we believe that healthier employees mean a healthier workplace. Here at Community Ventures, we are dedicated to providing employees and employers with outstanding opportunities for healthier lives and healthier environments throughout Kentucky. But some may ask, what do we do for our employees?

Since February of this year, CV, in partnership with No Limits Innovative Strength Training LLC., has been providing CV employees with free personal training sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for one hour starting at 4:30 PM.

“I enjoy working out with my fellow employees,” said Kim Mondelli, an employee of Community Ventures. “It gives me more motivation to go to the gym when we all go together than when I go by myself.”

This training, which has helped participating employees improve their overall health, is focused on retraining the body to adapt to physical stress in all planes of the body. The sessions are led by Kentucky native, Willie Ray, who has dedicated his life and career to enhancing the lives of people across the state. That’s a mission we can get behind.

“The wellness program has benefited me in many ways,” spoke Otis Singleton, assistant controller at Community Ventures, “I feel stronger, my good cholesterol is up, and my blood pressure is down.”

Currently the program serves 10+ employees in Lexington, and CV administration is open to supporting staff in other locations find personal training to improve their overall health.

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