Community Ventures' phone system is currently down due to recent storms. While we work to restore our phone system, please contact us by emailing reception@cvky.org.

Strengthening Communities One Person at a Time

Western Kentucky Disaster Relief

Creating Housing Solutions

Building New Residences

Quality housing directly impacts Kentuckians’ overall health and well-being and creates a feeling of belonging and security in a community. Through counseling, education, and affordable lending, Community Ventures helps residents access affordable, quality housing or achieve their dream of homeownership.

According to a recent housing assessment study by the University of Kentucky, Fulton County tied with Fayette County as the county with the 13th highest demand for housing among Kentucky’s 120 counties.

To create more housing options for residents of Western Kentucky, Community Ventures is partnering with community agencies and organizations to build new, affordable homes in Fulton.

During the fall of 2023, Community Ventures and our partners celebrated the completion of the first CV-financed and developed home built in Fulton. The house was completed in four months and is the first new construction residence built in Fulton in ten years.

In March 2024, Community Ventures and the Rural Partner Network hosted a Housing and Resource Fair in Fulton to help residents access resources to help them become homeowners, find jobs, and discover other assistance available in their community.

In April, Community Ventures will build two new affordable homes in Fulton in two days, using structural insulated panels (SIP) construction technology. To learn more owning a SIP home, contact Brenda Weaver at bweaver@cvky.org

To learn more about how Community Ventures can help make your homeownership dreams come true, visit https://cvky.org/homeownership-support.

View sample home renderings and floor plans available through Community Ventures.

Repairing Existing Homes

In addition to helping residents achieve their homeownership dreams, Community Ventures assists Kentuckians like Jarvis Jones with repairing or restoring existing homes.

Community Ventures worked with Mr. Jones to connect him with resources and funding to aid him in fixing the damage to his roof and floors during severe storms.

To learn more about how Community Ventures can assist you in repairing damage not covered by insurance, contact Tammy Nesler at tammy.nesler@cvky.org.

Supporting Start-ups and Business Expansion

Community Ventures provides access to working capital, financial education, and training to help business owners reach their goals. Whether starting a new business or growing an existing one, Community Ventures can help you make it the best it can be.
Community Ventures hosts networking and training events in Western Kentucky to support entrepreneurs and small businesses, like Strong Business Strong Coffee and Strong Women Strong Coffee. To learn more about these events, follow Community Ventures on FacebookInstagram, or LinkedIn.

We also help entrepreneurs jump-start their businesses by connecting them with affordable financing through micro-loans. Micro-loans provide $500 – $50,000 in funding for equipment, business vehicles, supplies, marketing, laptops, or working capital. To learn more about how Community Ventures can support your business, visit https://cvky.org/businesses/.

In partnership with the Twin Cities Chamber of Commerce and Fulton Tourism, Community Ventures is launching a business incubator in Fulton called Ventures Village. To learn more about how Ventures Village can help you launch or grow your business, visit www.cvky.org/VenturesVillage.

Timelapse: Residential SIP Construction in Fulton

Watch the speedy construction of two homes in Fulton. These homes were built with SIP technology.